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4.10.19- Free for All Wednesday
Tonight's topic:Free for All Wednesday
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4.3.19- Fish you DON'T want in your waters
Tonight's topic:Fish you DON'T want in your waters
Inside Pond Boss
Tools Every Pondmeister Should Own
Empirically SpeakingTools Every Pondmeister Should OwnBy Dr. Wes..
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3.27.19- Aquatic plants- Friend or Foe?
Tonight's topic:Aquatic plants- Friend or Foe?
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3.20.19- Bass spawning behavior
Tonight's topic:Bass spawning behavior
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3.6.19- East Texas Baptist University's Bass Ang..
Tonight's topic:Spending some time with ETBU's Bass Angl..
From the Boss's Desk
Editor's letter- March/April 2019
Looking Ahead, Backwards Happy Spring! No more Polar Vortex&mdas..
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2.27.19 A Different Persepective part 2
Tonight's topic:A Different Perspective part 2
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2.27.19- A Different Perspective part 1
Tonight's topic:A different perspective part 1
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2.20.19- Real World decisions about lakes and ponds
Tonight's topic:Real World decisions about lakes and ponds
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2.13.19- Taking your pond to the next level
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2.6.19- State of the Union in Pond Management
Why Pond Boss? If you own or manage private waters anywhere in the world - or want to - Pond Boss is the leading authority. Pond Boss magazine and pondboss.com.