Fall Fishing By Ty Kleeb There is a certain sense of urgency that comes over fish when the temperature begins to drop. Bass, bluegill, and crappie normally get into a comfortable state of being after the post-spawn as they feed on a new food chain and settle into that summer pattern we all hear about. They seem to stay in this mode throughout most of the summer. However, you may notice in your own waters, dynamics begin to change rapidly after the first cold front of fall. In this article, I am going to dive into how fish change as the temperature begins to drop, and how anglers can capitalize on that. When we look at the yearly cycle of a game fish, we can see a few different modes fish are in throughout the year. From the minute that first warm front moves in after winter, a bass is completely occupied with the spawn. A big bass, bluegill, or crappie is fully aware that they need to pack on some weight to survive the spawn (or if they aren’t aware of it, their instincts are). Even though a big fish may only be on a bed for 2-3 days, their instincts have them preparing for those two days for weeks or even months before the spawn. And then, during the spawn those fish are eating mainly out of aggression. After the spawn, a fish may continue to be aggressive, due to the hunger caused by all the calories expended producing eggs, and protecting the nest.
However, as I mentioned, that first cold front can make a fish snap out of its lazy summer pattern, and into a far more aggressive nature. Fish have a way of knowing winter is coming, and just like all other animals, their instinct is to prepare their bodies for shorter days and cooler water. It is during these first few cold fronts that you can really benefit from changing your view as an angler. Instead of having to hit the fish on the Since these fish are in a new, more aggressive mindset, anglers can target them differently. It is this time of year that I put away the Texas rig, and the Senko, and pick up the spinnerbait, the chatterbait, and mostly, the lipless crankbait. In my opinion, the lipless crankbait is the ultimate tool when fishing falling water temperatures. The coolest thing about this lure is the fact that it has such a tight side to side action. In cold water, baitfish do not have a very erratic action, and most baitfish, especially shad, have a very tight action. The lipless crankbait imitates this colder bait fish perfectly. It can also be fished in nearly every stretch of the water column. My favorite pattern with a lipless crankbait, or even a chatterbait is to cast it to a windblown bank, and slowly pull the lure off the bank, letting it fall on a slack line between cranks. A bass that has recently moved up shallow to chase bait will not hesitate to hit a shad imitation like this, pulled, and dropped in front of her face. To me, anytime I am fishing falling water temperatures, I look for a shoreline game fish follow. With all the commotion, and moving, and dirty water, this makes for many new ambush points for big bass. Even if your pond has clear water, an area of it that becomes dirty because of a strong wind can hold some incredible fishing opportunities while it lasts. Another great tactic, for calmer conditions, or clearer water, is to throw a swimbait. With these big fish being on the prowl for calories, sometimes a 5-6” swimbait is exactly what they are looking for. In colder water, I would recommend a shad imitation, but if that is not a forage species in your pond, a bluegill-colored bait would be fine. I like to throw this lure past all of the obvious ambush points in the pond. That big bass may not have hit that bait a month ago, but since her strike zone has increased with the falling temps, you may be surprised how willing a big bass is to travel to eat that big bait. As I’ve always stated, the bigger the bait, the bigger the strike zone for a monster fish. I do not claim to know near as much about catching crappie and bluegill as I do bass, but I have also found that falling water temperatures have provided some of my best panfishing days as well. Although the panfish may not be near as mobile as the bass in falling water temperatures, they seem to be more willing to bite a lure than they were in the hot summer months. I have found that brush piles, in or around deep water can hold an insane amount of big crappie and bluegill this time of year. If you can position your boat close to the structure, vertical jigging can be a killer tactic to bring up the fattest panfish in your pond. I prefer to use a GULP 2-inch minnow, on a 1/32 oz jighead. This bait is irresistible to crappie, and while its size may deter a few smaller bluegill, it is a perfect meal for a big bull gill. If there is deep cover close to where you know bluegill and crappie spawn in your pond, I would always hit that area with smaller jigs to see if any panfish are in there. It seems that deep cover, close to spawning areas, can hold big panfish year-round, even in cold months. One important thing to remember while Another thing you may notice while fall fishing is that fish appear to be at their healthiest. In order to survive the winter in your pond, those fish have to put on mass to make it through the unknown of winter. Although they may not be as heavy as they are during the spawn, the fall is when a fish should be at their second heaviest of the year. If you saw a monster bream or bass on a bed in the spring that you weren’t able to put a hook into, this may be your chance. That fish has a new sense of urgency, and she is packing on the weight for the winter. There is a window that is currently open as the temperature falls, before your pond locks up, or before the water gets too cold for the bass to chase baits. I’m going to stop writing, and go fishing. I wouldn’t be offended if you stopped reading, and went fishing. |
Fall Fishing by Ty Kleeb
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