Dr. Wes Neal

 This series highlights speakers coming to the Pond Boss VII Conference & Expo. Speakers will present on a variety of topics, from aeration to wildlife management, as it relates to pond management and growing bigger fish. Learn more about the Pond Boss Conference here.



Dr. Wes Neal is an Associate Extension Professor and State Fisheries Specialist with Mississippi State University. His degrees in fish management were earned at Virginia Tech (B.S.) and North Carolina State University (M.S. and Ph.D.), and his research interests have primarily focused on ponds and small reservoirs. He is the lead editor of the textbook, Small Impoundment Management in North America, which is a must-read for avid pond managers and professional biologists alike.




Listen to Dr. Neal in the following session:

Wade In: A Deeper Look at Manageing Your Waters- Emperically Speaking: Unraveling genetics for pondmeisters.

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