We couldn't have our Pond Boss VII Conference & Expo without this great group of vendors. Learn a little more about each one, their products and their contact information.
Vertex strives for long term, mutually beneficial relationships with both our customers and our employees. Leadership in diffuser technology gives us the ability to offer complete water quality solutions to golf courses, lake communities, marinas and other waterways.
Our ValuesTreat people honestly and fairly in all situations
Our operational priorities
Vertex Product LinesPond and Lake AerationMany problems in ponds, lakes, canals, marinas and reservoirs are caused by a lack of oxygen and stratification. Waterways that are "stratified" have increased bottom muck, excessive nutrients, excessive plant and algae growth, and gases. Vertex Water Features advanced diffuser aeration design oxygenates with tiny bubbles that form an ultra-wide column of upward moving water, “turning the pond over” and allowing oxygen to be absorbed at the surface to eliminate these problems. In addition to the basic aeration products, Vertex offers the following product lines to address specific needs:
Vertex Water Features
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Why Pond Boss? If you own or manage private waters anywhere in the world - or want to - Pond Boss is the leading authority. Pond Boss magazine and pondboss.com.