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9.23.2020- Judging your fishery
Tonight's topic:Judging your fishery
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9.16.2020- Small pond, pond reno and starting a pond..
Tonight's topic:Small pond, pond reno and starting a pond ma..
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9.9.2020- How weather changes your fish
Tonight's topic:How weather changes your fish
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9.2.2020- Fish Genetics
Tonight's topic:Fish Genetics
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8.26.2020- Trophy Fish other than Largemouth bass an..
Tonight's topic:Trophy Fish other than Largemouth Bass and s..
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8.12.2020- Due Diligence and Planning
Tonight's topic:Due Diligence and Planning
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8.5.2020- The Fine Art of Pond Management
Tonight's topic:The Fine Art of Pond Management
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7.29.2020- Raising Trophy Fish part 2
Tonight's topic:Raising Trophy Fish part 2
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7.22.2020- Want HUGE fish in your waters?
Tonight's topic:Want HUGE fish in your waters?
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7.15.2020- Bass Genetics
Tonight's topic-Bass Genetics
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7.8.2020- Unproductive Ponds
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7.1.2020- Hot Pond Times
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