Editor's Letter- July/August 2024

 Editor’s Letter

Let Freedom Ring

by Bob Lusk


Let Freedom Ring. Those words ring, don’t they? I gotta tell you, I have hope for our country. Sure, the political parties are in disarray. Neither party leads. One wants all the power while the other one fights to keep that first one from gaining power. Then, inside each party is a power struggle, while too many of us sense a degree of helplessness, and we don’t know what to do about it. We can vote…that’s a fact. But many of us, including a lot of our readers, don’t think that’s enough. Confidence in voting and that process has eroded like a pond bank with too many cattle tromping it down.

Where’s the hope? I see it in many of our young people. Contrary to what we see and hear on the news, there’s a group of college-aged kids coming up the pipe that give me renewed vigor and hope. I’ve been able to spend time with a small representative group each summer for the last three years and I go away knowing that our country can be in good hands once these younger people rise to the forefront.

In the meantime, let’s celebrate another birthday for our United States of America with all its flaws and inequities. Let’s fly the flag, go to the pond, catch some fish and make fish tacos, or roll some fillets in cornmeal and deep fry in peanut oil and share with the neighbors.

This issue of Pond Boss is chock full of solid stuff, once again. It continues to amaze me that Pond Boss is starting its 32nd year of publication and there is still so much information and experiences to share through these pages.

It’s also humbling to know you are with us on this journey as part of our family…our readers. Without you, none of this good stuff happens.

So, from our team at Pond Boss, we want to wish you Happy Independence Day as we celebrate the birth of this experiment we call the United States of America.

A series dedicated to Bob Lusk's general musings about land, water and life.

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