Editor’s Letter 2022 in the Headlights Happiest New Year! Here we go, another trip around the sun in our rearview mirror. Looking back is sometimes fun, but looking ahead can be really exciting. For years, I’ve watched different pond management businesses grow into a full-fledged industry. More and more people are tuning in and seeing some of the simple things we can all do to become better stewards of our land and water. Since the pandemic started, I’ve been fascinated and pleased with the number of folks taking a deeper interest in their land, wanting it to be more natural and healthier and their ponds sit at the top of that value. Their attitudes reflect it, and even better, their actions prove it. Can you believe Pond Boss is about to start its 30th year? Yep, it’s true. We’ve unwittingly tried every way to run it in the ground, but here it goes. What started off as a small niche newsletter morphed into a full magazine, then a website, then an added discussion forum on the website, then regional meetings, then big conferences, then social media, then seminars and more meetings, blending into a big family around the nation…and you’re a big part of that. Thank you. We have a big announcement. Yours truly here, authored his fourth book. It took a few years to write it, then edit, then re-write, then review it and get it ready. Then it became a matter of sitting down, going through roughly 12,000 photos and picking out a hundred or so…and writing captions. I did that in October, sequestered in a cabin on the side of a mountain in New Mexico. As I write this, our layout guru, Rob Hudgins is putting the book together. We’ve accepted a print bid, and I expect “Beyond the Basics—Fundamentals of Pond Management” to be ready to go by March 1st. It will be just under 200 pages, and sells for $29.95, which includes freight. See the ad inside these pages. Let’s make 2022 the best year, yet! A series dedicated to Bob Lusk's general musings about land, water and life. |
Editor's Letter Jan/Feb 2022
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