Editor’s Letter Around the Corner As a young father, I kind of knew time with my kiddos would be important and often fleeting, but looking through the headlights it seemed a long time before they’d be all grown up. As age did what it does, I later saw they’d actually probably graduate from high school (being the mildly cynical optimist) and some head off to college, or military service, or to seek something, somewhere, hopefully as responsible adults. Like many of you, I made lots of games, recitals, did my time as president of the booster club, filling in when the referees didn’t show up, spending time behind the microphone in the press box, covering sports for the local newspaper, going to school board meetings, just stuff we do as parents. Then, they grew up. And left. Then, they started coming back, and bringing more with them. I’d not really contemplated exactly what that meant back in the day. It means we go to at least ten midget’s birthday parties each year, we go to more recitals, meet the teachers, ball games and stuff. We have a few kiddos that sort of look like us hanging around our house during summer months. They come and go, a lot. I still say, “Were you raised in a barn? Shut the door.” My mom said that to me, now I say it to mini-me’s. It dawned on me years ago to stay alert to what’s around the corner. That’s still a good practice. It’s a good practice to understand our adult kids, and now their kids. It’s important to understand that about life. You remember, when you were in your twenties, conversations were about cars, college, who was getting married. Then the thirties when we talked about our kids, our jobs, and how much time we don’t have enough of. Forties flew by as kid activities consumed any extra time we might have. Then came the fifties and more kids, doctor appointments, high school reunions where a few people looked the same, and more kid events. Now, the 60s talking about ailments, Medicare, naps—and more kid activities. Not sure how to segue from ramblings, so here’s an eyerolling attempt. Speaking of activities, pay attention to your water as summer fades toward fall. We’re headed into that time of year when pond temperature begins to drop. We inevitably get a phone call or two when someone’s pond turns over and they have a fish kill, shocked and confident that someone or something poisoned their fish. In this issue, take some time to read Inside the Water Column to get a better basic understanding how chemistry and biology interact to cause water to be influenced. Another activity—please offer your thoughts about types of content you’d like to see. We’re busy looking at redesigning the magazine for better flow, a better look, and content you’d prefer. I’d like you to email me with some ideas about content changes or topics of interest. One more plug at activities. I’m always queasy about people who are self-promoters, especially me. But all my circle is telling me, “Do it.” We still have room for about 5-10 people for fall session of the “Bob Lusk Institute of Higher Pondology,” and 8-12 more for the spring, 2020 session. And, we have lots of room for the one day “Basic Pond Management” sessions for both fall and spring. See details inside the magazine. Our writers are the best. They seem to always come up with content and photos that are different, interesting, and informative. Years ago, we made the decision to go find people who can tell a story, encourage them to do it, and hear what they do on a regular basis. Our writers actually do what they write about, and that is a blessing. This issue, Otto digs into an extra-tough spillway repair, I’ve got one about a habitat design for an interesting two-acre pond. Ty Kleeb, who’s gaining a nice following on social media, has some excellent tips for fall fishing for your biggest fish, while Eric West comes into fall with a different twist—how fish feed to prepare for winter. There’s a feature about using tiger muskies in the Midwest and northern states, The Fish Professor shares some thoughts about smallmouth and Largemouth bass living together. Two water quality articles are quality articles; one about low oxygen tolerance by Dave Beasley, and another that’s a primer for folks like us who don’t really want to try to understand water chemistry. Dr. Wes Neal shares some science-based thoughts about supplemental stocking of baitfish. There are several others that range from a philosophical look at pond balance, one about troubleshooting pond problems, and one that explains fall turnover. Good, helpful stuff. Dan V talks about the impact of last springs storms and floods on your wildlife this fall, and Birdman Mel tells us how to attract bats. Yes, we want bats. I take another step in the quest to share the history of pond management, plus a dandy marinara recipe. Come out of the last vestiges of summer heat, kick back, find your favorite throne, and share a cold beverage as you peruse this latest issue of our favorite magazine. The whole Pond Boss team appreciates you and look forward to hearing from you. Send your thoughts to: boblusk@outlook.com. Fish On! A series dedicated to Bob Lusk's general musings about land, water and life. |
Editor's letter September/October 2019
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